By Hazel Scott/ASU
Every year, the Alabama State University campus community comes together to ensure that dozens of local children receive gifts to brighten and enhance their holiday season.
ASU continued its cherished 14-year-old Christmas tradition, ASUletide, on Thursday, December 5, in the Banquet Room of the Dunn-Oliver Acadome.
The University family purchased toys and clothing for 35 children from 12 deserving families nominated by the HandsOn River Region’s Christmas Clearinghouse, a nonprofit organization based in Montgomery, Alabama. Families remain anonymous, but the Clearinghouse collected information about what each family might need along with children’s ages, sizes, favorite colors and interests to personalize the gifts.
“Alabama State University believes every child deserves to have joy-filled, magical, holiday memories,” said Amber Douglas, Brand and Marketing Director. “We hope to bring the holiday spirit to these kids who would otherwise go without. We also included a special gift for parents.”
When the doors of the Banquet Room opened, 12 families entered into a decorated setting resembling Santa’s playhouse. The atmosphere was full of Christmas spirit.
As the children enthusiastically canvassed the room filled with covered gifts, their happiness was made evident by wide eyes, big smiles and laughter.
Some children showed a sense of curiosity and wonder trying to figure out what the gifts might be. Others started jumping, clapping or excitedly pointing to the items, while others just exclaimed, “Wow.”
“The gifts were covered so the children couldn’t see them. We provided wrapping paper to each family so they could properly wrap the gifts at home so the children could wake up Christmas morning surprised,” Douglas remarked.
The children were treated to a visit from Santa who came in from the North Pole and greeted the families. Col. (ret.) Gregory Clark, vice president of Institutional Advancement, was dressed as Santa.
"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most,” Clark said. “Acts of kindness are intrinsic to our University and those who carry on the longstanding tradition of giving, both during the holiday season and year-round.”
ASU’s President, Dr. Quinton T. Ross, Jr., said ASUletide is about giving back by spreading holiday cheer to kids who might not otherwise experience the joy of Christmas.
“This is the time of year to remember others. Alabama State University for years has provided for those in need in the community. We are so happy to continue to have ASUletide giving with the faculty, staff and all of our administrators participating to ensure we make Christmas a very special time for many families within our community. We are blessed here at Alabama State University to be a blessing to others,” Ross added. “ASUletide is an important part of our CommUniversity initiative.”