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ways to give


Gifts from our alumni and friends are critical to meeting the needs of our students and faculty at the university – today and for years to come.

Your support helps meet the University’s priorities and enhances educational programs. Scholarships and endowments to the Trust for Educational Excellence are just a few of the ways private gifts improve the quality of an ASU education. Funds received from alumni and friends of the university also are used to recruit and retain outstanding faculty and students and provide funding for instruction and research.

There are many ways our alumni can give to the university. Learn more:


Cash Gifts

Gifts of cash are fully deductible – up to a maximum of 50% of your adjusted gross income. Some employers will match charitable gifts, meaning your gifts go even further. If your company or firm has a matching gift program, simply enclose the form along with your check, or indicate the information on the online giving form. When you give online, you can select a one-time donation, or you may set up recurring donations.

  • Make your gift online
  • Send your gift by mail to:

    Alabama State University Trust for Educational Excellence
    Office of Development
    P.O. Box 1046
    Montgomery, AL 36101-0271

Gifts of Stock

Donating a gift of stock to the university is beneficial for ASU and for you. Making a gift of stock is wise because it offers two-fold tax savings. First, you avoid paying any capital gains tax on the increase in value of the stock. Second, you’ll receive an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of your gift. Call our Office of Development at (334) 229-4431 to inquire about making a gift of stock.

Gifts of Real Estate

Making a gift of real estate is a great option to consider in giving to ASU. A residence, vacation home, farm, acreage or vacant lot may have so appreciated in value through the years that its sale would mean a sizeable capital gains tax. By making a gift of the property instead, you avoid the capital gains tax, and at the same time, receive a charitable tax deduction for the full fair market value of the property. Call our Office of Development at (334) 229-4431 to inquire about making a gift of real estate.

Life Income Gifts

If you are considering a major gift to the university ($25,000 or more), such a gift could actually increase your income. Transferring cash or stock to ASU and establishing a “charitable remainder unitrust” or “charitable remainder annuity trust” will provide you with a 5% or greater annual return. This income would be paid to you and/or a loved one for life, after which the assets would be distributed to the university. Through such an arrangement, you would be increasing your income and making a meaningful, tax-deductible contribution to ASU at the same time. Call our Office of Development at (334) 229-5620 to inquire about making a life-income gift.


Financial advisers often recommend bequests as part of a donor’s estate planning. A bequest is a gift made at death through your will or trust and provides long-term tax savings. Such gifts can be small or large, restricted or unrestricted and may include cash, securities, real estate, and/or personal property. It can be for a specific amount or for a percentage of your estate. If considering this type of gift to the university, it is wise to speak with your financial planner or adviser.

Why include the University in my will?

Your bequest to the University is...

  • Tax Wise- A charitible gift through your estate may reduce estate taxes.
  • Revocable- You may change the beneficiaries of your estate at any time.
  • Flexible- Your bequest can be directed to any ASU school or program.
  • Comfortable- A bequest allows you to retain your assets throughout your life.
How do I make a bequest to the University?

If you are writing your will or living trust, you will need to include specific language that correctly identifies your support of the University. If you already have a will, you can add a codicil or amendment to your existing estate plan. Or, if you already have a living trust, you would simply modify the language, directing your trustee to make the desired distributions.

 Retirement Plans

Designating the University as a beneficiary of your retirement plan...
  • Ensures that the University school, program or related foundation (all tax exempt entities) receives the full value of your gift.
  • May be easily changed as your plans change.
  • Removes assets from your estate, reducing estate tax.
  • May allow you to distribute a greater portion of your estate to your heirs.
How to include Alabama State University in your retirement plan:
  • Contact the Office of Development 334-229-5620 or via email to discuss your plans and obtain the proper designate language.
  • Request a beneficiary form from your retirement plan administrator.
  • Identify Alabama State University as a beneficiary of your plan.
  • Include Alabama State University's federal tax ID number (contact the Office of Development) on your beneficiary form.
  • Return the completed form to your retirement plan administrator.
  • Provide a copy of your completed beneficiary form to the Office of Development.

Life Insurance

Giving a life insurance policy you no longer need, or funding a new policy to support Alabama State University, is an excellent way to make a substantial gift.

Three ways to give life insurance
  • Designate Alabama State University as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy; or
  • Give Alabama State University a fully paid life insurance policy that you no longer need; or
  • Purchase a new policy and name Alabama State University as the owner and beneficiary. You will then be asked to contribute the equivalent of the annual premium payment to the University. This premium contribution is tax deductible and is used by the University to pay the insurance premium.

Note: Alabama State University does not provide legal, tax or financial advice. We strongly recommend that you consult professional advisors on all legal, tax or financial matters, including gift planning considerations. To ensure compliance with certain IRS requirements, we disclose to you that this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties.