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faculty publications


History Faculty:

Mehdi EstakhrThe Place of Zoroaster in History: Using the Cult of Personality as a Literary Source of Authority in the Western Tradition. With a Foreword by Clarisse Herrenschmidt. 2 vols. (Lewiston, New York:The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd. 2012).

Aaron Horton, ed., Identity in Professional Wrestling: Essays on Nationality, Race and Gender. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018).

________.  POWs, Der Ruf, and the Genesis of Group 47: The Political Journey of Alfred Andersch and Hans Werner Richter. (Fairleigh Dickenson University Press, 2014).

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Joseph S. Freedman, Lorenz, Sönke, Köpf, Ulrich, and Bauer, Dieter R., eds., Die Universität Tübingen zwischen Scholastik und Humanismus (Tübinger Bausteine zur Landesgeschichte, 20. Ostfildern: Thorbecke, 2012).

________. "Central European Academic Text on Preaching and Sermons during the Fina Quarter of the Seventeenth Century: In the Service of Pietist Preaching?"  Soboth Christian and Sträter, Udo, eds. "Aus Gottes Wort und eigener Erfahrung gezeiget." Erfahrung - Glauben, Erkennen, and Gestalten im Pietismus. Beiträge zum III. (Internationalem Kongress für Pietismusfoschung 2009. Halle: Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen, 2012).

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Michael Markus,“The Liberal Party and the politics of “conscience” in Leeds, 1845-1852,” in Mary Kathryn Barbier and Richard V. Damms, eds.,Culture, Power, and Security: New Directions in the History of National and International Security, (Newcastle-on-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012).

________. “A Pocket Borough? Reformed Politics in Ripon, 1832-1867,” Parliamentary History 27, pt. 3 (October 2008).

William Harrison TaylorUnity in Christ and Country: American Presbyerians in the Revolutionary Era, 1758-1801. (University of Alabama Press, 2017).

________, and Peter C. Messer, eds., Faith and Slavery in the Presbyterian Diaspora. (Lehigh University Press: 2016).

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Political Science Faculty:

Sabella Abidde, "The Niger Delta: A Tenuous and Perilous Security Condition," in Africa in the New World Order: Peace and Security Challenges in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Olayiwola Abegunrin. (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2014).

 ________. "The Domestic and Global Implications of the Niger Delta Crisis," in Africa in the New World Order: Peace and Security Challenges in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Olayiwola Abegunrin. (Lanham, Maryland: Lexngton Books, 2014).     

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